The State of the Global Workplace’s 2022 report had a lot of interesting insights. One particular finding that stood out to me is that the global economy loses $7.8 trillion to low engagement.

But how can we combat low engagement? Is it by hiring better people? I don’t think so.

Engagement doesn’t have much to do with personality, but it has a lot to do with motivation. As a business owner or executive, you have a direct impact on how engaged and motivated your employees are. This might look like unreasonable expectations vs. realistic goals, micromanagement vs. effective systems, or constant critiques vs. healthy recognition.

If you’re not sure whether business is suffering from unengaged employees, I’d love to help evaluate your current day-to-day operations. Perhaps this is an area that needs to be improved, or maybe there is a disconnect elsewhere. Together, we can pinpoint areas that are making it difficult to run your business and create a list of actionable items for improvement. Send me a message today!

Find the full State of the Global Workplace report here: