It’s that time of year again.

It’s that time of year again.

Engaging in New Year’s resolutions, or what Wikipedia describes as the Western World’s approach of resolving to continue good practice, change a desired trait or behavior, accomplish a personal goal, or otherwise improve a behavior at the beginning of the new...
The 1-3-5 Rule

The 1-3-5 Rule

Are you having a hard time staying productive? Sometimes, staying motivated can be difficult if we’re overwhelmed with the number of items on our task list…or excitedly anticipating holiday festivities! If you’re struggling to feel motivated these days, why not try...
Ask yourself: What could be better?

Ask yourself: What could be better?

Non-profit organizations are often assumed to have fewer resources than for-profit businesses. But just because you have fewer resources—whether that be your budget, staff, or even technology—it doesn’t mean you can’t still make a big impact. The key to making the...